The last NKvet Symposia occurred in 2017. The Symposia covered topics on the Control and Surveillance Programs for the Health and Welfare of Production Animals. In addition, they have held several other seminars on different aspects of animal health such as responsible use of antimicrobials in veterinary practice, mastitis control and diagnosis on modern dairy farms, pain assessment and treatment in clinical practice, and environmental contamination and animal health.
The NKvet Symposia were designed to provide knowledge and insight into the current veterinary practice and clinical decisions regarding animal health and welfare. These events provided an opportunity for participants to discuss various topics related to animal health, management, and husbandry in a stimulating environment. The Symposia also offered networking opportunities with other professionals in the field and provided an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of veterinary medicine.
Feedback from previous NKvet Symposia was overwhelmingly positive, with most participants feeling that the event was an excellent learning experience. In addition, many participants have reported that they were able to apply the knowledge they acquired at the Symposiums in their daily practice.
Overall, NKvet Symposia provided an excellent opportunity for veterinarians and other animal care professionals to gain information and insight into different aspects of veterinary practice. They also offered opportunities for networking with other professionals, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of veterinary medicine and being kept up-to-date on the current literature in the field.